6 provinces of the country which are deemed to be roughly and generally representative of the country at large. These are: Kabul, Herat, Bamiyan, Kandahar, Mazar, Nangarhar. A minimum of 200 interviews were conducted in each of these areas. These provinces were proportionally surveyed, with interviews conducted across between 40 and 50% of the districts of each province. The sample were split across both government-controlled districts and non- government-controlled districts (that were either contested by or controlled by the Taliban). Districts that are government-controlled were surveyed using face-to- face interviews of approximately 60 minutes. Districts that were non-government controlled were not be surveyed using face-to-face interviews, but rather using remote random survey methods (telephonically). The data collected was cleaned and analysed by SeeD using advanced analyses techniques, with the aim of providing high-quality research products revealing the state of social cohesion and reconciliation in Afghanistan, as well as which demographic, economic, psychosocial, political, civic, attitudinal and relational factors which contribute to social cohesion and reconciliation issues.